Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Scruffy Vs. Clean-shaven

Ben had a whole month off from school for the break between semesters and decided he wasn't going to shave or cut his hair that whole time. He hates to shave. I thought he would have broken down sometime while we were out in Idaho or Utah visiting family, but no he stuck to his guns. People called him Abraham Lincoln, Brigham Young and Mountain Man and I think he enjoyed it. But a couple days after his semester started he bit the bullet and allowed me to take a razer to his bushy mane and scruffy beard. I personally like him either way, but the clean shaven look does bring out his boyish charm. Of course now he wants to Bic his head. What do you think, beard or no beard?


Geneve said...

I have the same issue with my husband - I can't decide. He likes to grow a goatee every once in a while, and I really like it because he had one when we met. But then when he finally shaves it off, I realize I missed him that way too.

Melanie said...

Seriously, what is it with men and their facial hair? They must just hate the same routine of shaving every morning, I'm not sure. But Mitch does the exact same thing as Ben and he wants the top as short as possible and then a long beard.

Grandma D said...

Okay, as the MOM I like the no beard but it was fun while it lasted and I prefer the hair a little longer but I know it will grow. So does Landon recognize you!?

jamie said...

you are a good wife - if ben goes even two days without shaving i am harping on him to use a razor - i can't stand him as scruffy - the funny thing if he did that with my legs i would be soo mad - but i think you should let him bic his hair - although he might want to wait until it gets warmer or his head would always be cold :)

Gallant Family said...

I like the clean-shaven face better. And I can't say otherwise from experience because Pete has never grown facial hair of any sort. He's really patchy, I guess, so he doesn't go more than a few days without shaving! I guess with hair, they look older and without, they look younger. That's why Pete always gets mistaken for a 25 year old.

Matt and Maggie said...

He does have a baby face I think. Funny. If he goes beard, I encourage a nice groomed one. But I think stats show people trust clean shaven people more. Look at the Elders! LOL Have fun deciding. :)

Unknown said...

NO BEARD!!! ;o) and no long hair

Michelle said...

I think that's good that you like him either way! I like clean shaven, but it's nice to mix it up a little bit I'm sure. I've tried to get James to keep his hair long but he always manages to cut it shorter than I want. But even then, I like his hair long but only if he styles it the way I like - otherwise he looks too old and I like it shorter. So I guess what it comes down to is I am a lot more pickier than I thought I was before I started leaving this comment. Haha.