Sunday, May 29, 2011


Our "baby" is no longer passed off between mom and dad during the last two hours of church. She gets to be with her big brother in nursery now. Can I just say how crazy it is not to have a child to take care of throughout the three hours of church. Because Landon and Katelyn are 18 months apart we've ALWAYS had a baby tagging along with us...but not anymore!
Staring up at the Nursery leader.

Daddy picking up BOTH kiddos. The nursery leader says that Landon watches out for his "Sissy" and makes sure none of the big kids take her toys away.
She sure is happy now that she gets to play with kids, toys, color, and eat! YAY for nursery.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Elena's been in nursery 6 months now and she still has problems. Glad to hear that Katelyn did well. And I agree, on those "rare" sundays when Elena lets us sneak out, it feels really weird not to carry around a child once the last one is in nursery. We were in the same boat as you (18 months apart) so I was looking forward to the 8 months of freedom before our next baby came. Elena obviously had other plans making us go in to nursery with her, but it is a nice break when it happens. :)