Friday, February 3, 2012

Speech Disorder

Well, we had Landon tested by the school district's speech language pathologist and we got his results today. He has Phonological Disorder, which is a type of speech disorder known as an articulation disorder. Children with this disorder do not use some or all of the speech sounds expected of their age groups. We knew Landon was having difficulty with some sounds because some people have a hard time understanding, especially when he talks for an extended amount of time, like when he is telling a story. Landon had ear tubes inserted in the summer to drain fluid that had been retained in his ear and we are told that he may have "learned" an easier way for him to pronounce things since he couldn't actually make out the distinct sound differences between some letters. Now he will start going to speech therapy two times a week to try and "unlearn" it and learn it correctly. He has a moderate form of the disorder. He is very excited though because he gets to go to an elementary school and he says "I go to big kid school!" He loves Mrs. Leslie too. She's a sweet and is also expecting a child (her first) the beginning of June so we get to be "growing belly buddies" as she said:) Katelyn and I get to wait in the front lobby, which Katelyn thinks is great because she gets to watch all the school kids walk by. I've decided we will work on Katelyn's "schooling" that half hour. The other curve ball we were given is that because he is receiving special education services he automatically becomes eligible for their Pre-K program next year which is 5 days a week from 8 to 1. We didn't qualify for it before since we were over income so we had gone and signed he up for a two day a week (9-2) pre-school through a local church but it would cost us $1200 and the pre-k is free. Ugh, decisions. I personally don't know if I am ready to part with my "big" boy all week long though. Mrs. Leslie recommends the pre-k program because unlike the church preschool, at the pre-k one the teachers are made aware of his speech disorder and work it into their daily routine. For example, they have a chart they keep track of throughout the day on how he uses his speech and then they report it to the therapist who sees Landon three days a week. I think Katelyn might have a hard time parting with Landon that long, then again, we will have baby girl here by then so it might be easier over all. So what do you think? Is a 5 day a week program too much for a four year old? Or is it worth it because he gets that extra attention on a daily basis? Feed back please.


Vivian said...

I think you should see how Landon copes with the school and if he really likes it and is already attending for speech therapy then it might be best for him to attend pre-K there. :) Plus, saving 1200 is a good bonus as well. You know what Landon can and can't handle. Good luck on your decision and your pregnancy.

Unknown said...

If it were me, I would definitely go with the school preschool! If he goes and struggles with the chunk of time, then you can always discuss it with his teacher. I think Hyrum will be repeating kindergarten, but had he done something like the preschool you are talking about, then he probably be fine. And once your next baby comes you will gladly welcome the time that Landon goes to school! ;o) I just wish ALL of mine went to school. lol

Lee said...

Kevin did 5 day a week pre-K through the public school system and it put him so far ahead that he's in the gifted reading program and he's kindergarten now. Just sayin...

It was only hard for me to drop him off and drive away when he started. It was a blessing to have a few months where I had a couple of hours of alone time with Andy before Hannah was born. Those few hours during the day will forever be remembered as my only one on one time with my middle child. I would never have gotten him all to myself like that if I hadn't let Kevin go.

Alissa said...

Oye, those darn ears! (i'm bitter because bekah had to have tubes too-they affect so much!) I understand and feel your dilemas but since I'm such a money saver-plus it has the benefit of further working with his disorder I would probably go with it but It would be hard to part with him this early. Good luck-only you and your hubby can make the best decision for your family.

Matt and Maggie said...

If you kept him home every so often it won't hurt him. Typically, schools don't track attendance until 1st grade. It is pre-K, so yes, that is a lot of school for a 4 year old. Glad he is diagnosed so that you can help him that much sooner! :)

The Holt's said...

Hey! This is kristie from rexburg. I lived in 204 at carriage house.......I just found your blog from emily's. I am a speech therapist. I am not sure what the school district is like where you are at, but I would highly recommend the school class. They have tips and strategies that they will use all day long. They are trained to address phonology. Email me at if you have more specific questions. Early intervention is the key to success!!! Don't put it least in my opinion. Hope that helps!