So I am not a huge meat-eater, but one thing that makes a piece of chicken good is the sauce. And Winger's has that spicy sauce that I love so much... unfortunately it's a western food chain. But guess what my husband found out...there is one in Manchester, TN (which is a tiny town just forty minutes away from us.) Evidently the franchise is experimenting in a couple eastern states. Why they chose a podunk town here in TN I don't know, but I'll reap the benfits of it every once in awhile.
Me and my creamy Amazing sauce. Yummy!
My wonderful husband who sat across from me and watched me relish every drop of the good stuff.
And Landon, who unfortunatly, has not acquired the taste for the finer things in life. He took one bit and would have nothing else to do with it. To be fair, it is rather spicy for a little guy.
The Many Faces of Lena (and 1st-3rd month pics)
7 years ago
Thank you, yes, it is essential to have a camera.
How crazy is it that that restaurant chose to be so close?! Very cool. Poor Landon though!
you should have asked if you could buy their sauce!!!
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